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Sustainable timber 

Sourcing and supplying sustainable quality timber and timber products can present challenges. But there are significant opportunities in this market for businesses which respond creatively. By bringing together specialists in sustainability, regulatory compliance, timber suply chains, certification and chain of custody sytems our team can help you make the right choices for your business. 

How we can help

Our range of services gives you access to our in-depth knowledge, ensuring your critical business decisions are based on sound analysis and your plans are robust and forward thinking.

Timber policies and regulations

  • Briefings on national and international timber policies and policy projections

  • Review or develop your timber procurement policy to meet market and company objectives

  • Analysis and review of the regulatory and market requirements for your timber supply

  • Due diligence on certification and chain of custody requirements which impact on your ability to operate in a variety of markets 

  • Explore potential competitive advantages of compliance and exceeding mandatory requirements 

Managing your existing supply chains
  • Review of existing timber suppy chains, risk assessment and identification of improvements

  • Developing secure sustainable timber supply chains, implementing chain of custody and analysis of international market potential 

  • Training for staff on regulatory compliance and successful implementation of policies

Supply opportunities
  • Analysis of UK and international supply opportunities including routes to market for new species and new geographical regions

Product opportunities
  • Analysis of your product ranges to identify alternative products or routes to market

Resource opportunities
  • Identifying uses for waste wood material, biomass boiler feasibility, new streams for waste materials and greater resource efficiency

Communicating your success
  • Support to communicate your successes and gain commercial advantage

If you would like to discuss how we can help you, please contact us at or call us on 07815 832 243.

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